Find the content creator immediately appropriate
Content creators
Positive reviews
Completed projects
The best part? All of it.
Stay within your budget
Find the right content creator for every price point. You choose yours based on your budget.
Quick and easy
You will be able to fill in our filter system with your preferences (price, characteristics that the content creator must have, project delivery date...) that will connect you with the content creators you are looking for. No long search time, with Filmer, everything is that simple.
We take you by the hand to create your project.
We offer you a complete step-by-step guide to follow so you can create your project successfully. You will not be alone at any time, we have prepared everything so you can create your project without any problem and it will be perfect to send it to your content creator.
Pay when you are satisfied
Payments are only released when you approve them.
Help desk support is available
Our support team is available to help you at any time with anything you need.
The best part? All of it.
Stay within your budget
Find the right content creator for every price point. You choose yours based on your budget.
Quick and easy
You will be able to fill in our filter system with your preferences (price, characteristics that the content creator must have, project delivery date...) that will connect you with the content creators you are looking for. No long search time, with Filmer, everything is that simple.
We take you by the hand to create your project.
We offer you a complete step-by-step guide to follow so you can create your project successfully. You will not be alone at any time, we have prepared everything so you can create your project without any problem and it will be perfect to send it to your content creator.
Pay when you are satisfied
Payments are only released when you approve them.
Help desk support is available
Our support team is available to help you at any time with anything you need.
Get started in four easy steps!
Register and create your profile
Filmer is a completely free platform, without subscriptions or permanence. Sign up and create your profile to find the best content creators that will lead your brand to success.
Create your project
Create as many campaigns as you want. At Filmer we guide you through the creation of each campaign so that the process is quick and easy. You will be able to detail exactly what your preferences, needs and tastes are. We will make everything very clear, ready to send to your content creator!
Find and connect with your favorite content creators
You will be able to find the content creators that best suit you through a filter system and send them your campaigns. Once you send your campaign, the content creator will be able to accept it, make a counteroffer or reject it. In the case of a counteroffer, you will have to reach a mutually accepted price.
Payment and delivery
Once the project is accepted, payment will be withheld until the creator delivers the content to you through the Filmer platform and you verify compliance with the delivery. No payment is released until you are satisfied.