Filmer is committed to protecting the personal information of its users. Please carefully read this privacy policy (this “Policy”) to understand how Filmer Company SL, 8 Carretera de Carmona 51, Seville, Spain (“Filmer”, “us”) processes personal information. This privacy Policy describes how processes Filmer the personal information of its users and other visitors navigate the Site (“users”) in connection with the Site and with other services that it provides, Filmer, as well as any privacy practices that should be applied to the member, cradores content, and other partners.

By accessing or using services and related goods, or any other website operated by Filmer with a link to this policy (each one named, the “Site”), así como al registrarte en una cuenta de Filmer o en nuestro programa de afiliado,creador o similar, acuerdas que has leído y comprendido esta Política. Esta Política puede cambiar de manera periódica; cualquier cambio que realicemos a esta Política se publicará en este Sitio; también adoptaremos otros pasos, de conformidad con lo que requiera la ley aplicable, incluida la notificación sobre cambios materiales. Los cambios a esta Política entran en vigencia a partir de la fecha de «Last update» indicada. Te recomendamos que consultes la Política de manera periódica para detectar actualizaciones o cambios.

Summary version

The information that we collect: you give us directly the most of the information we collect: when you register on the Site, you use it, complete forms, or when you register at him. We also collect information about your communications with Filmer, as well as any of your posts in our blogs or forums, and your communications with other users of Filmer. In addition, we collect information automatically when you are accessing, browsing, visiting or using the Website and receive information from third party providers or other available sources.

Our legal basis for using your personal information: cuando sea relevante en virtud de las leyes aplicables, todo procesamiento de su información personal deberá estar debidamente justificado por un «fundamento legal» para procesarla, tal como se detalla a continuación.

How do we use the information we collect? – We use personal information to provide you with quality Service and security to the user, to operate the Site, to comply with our obligations to the user and to develop, improve and customize our Services; to ensure the integrity and security of the platform; to prevent fraud; to get in contact with the user and to send you direct marketing communications; to promote and advertise the Site, our Services and the platform Filmer; to comply with lawful requests from public authorities and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

How long do we keep personal information? – We will retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. However, in some cases we retain personal information for longer periods of time.

Minor: this Site is offered and available to users 18 years and older and of legal age to form a binding contract. Minors under the age of 18 years, who are at least 13 years of age may use the Site only through an account that belongs to a parent or legal guardian with the consent of the same. Minors under the age of 13 may not use the Site or the services Filmer. We do not collect knowingly solicit personal information from children under 13 years of age.

Personal information we share with third parties – We share your personal information with third parties in order to operate the Site, provide the user with our Services, to comply with the obligations imposed by the applicable laws and regulations, and to prevent fraud, violations and illegal activities.

Where we store your personal information – Part of the personal information provided to us by the user stored or processed on our behalf by external suppliers, and processors of data and may be located in other jurisdictions, like the united States and Israel.

Cookies: we use cookies and similar technologies (such as web beacons, pixels, tags and scripts) to improve and personalise your experience, deliver our services, analyze the performance of the website and for marketing purposes.

Do not track (DNT): our site does not respond to the signals do Not track (DNT).

External linkssite : the Site contains links to websites of third parties, whether from the Site, you access a third-party site via a link, any data that you provide to that site, and any use of such data by such third parties are not under the control of Filmer and are not subject to this Policy.

Security: we implement technical and organizational measures to maintain the safety of the Site and your personal information and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, alteration, destruction or damage to it through industry standard technologies of the sector and internal procedures.

Provisions specific to users in the EU, the EEA and the United Kingdom: if you are a user of the EU, the EEA or the Uk, you have the right to receive more information about our processing and your rights as an interested party, as detailed below.

Specific provisions for the residents of united States: if you are a resident of the united States, according to the place where you live and subject to certain exceptions, you have rights of privacy specific as detailed below.

Updating personal information: take measures to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up-to-date, and we provide you with the opportunity to update your information through your profile settings of your account. In the event that you believe your information is incorrect or inaccurate, please notify us immediately.

Contact us: you can exercise your rights related to your personal information when you communicate with us in . You can get more information about your rights in the full version of the Policy.

The above are just the highlights. We recommend that you read more about the information we collect, how we use it, who understands the meaning of cookie (no, you don't eat), and much more in the extended version of our Policy below.


The information that we collect

Information provided to us by the user. When you register on the Site, you use it, complete forms, participate in skills tests or surveys, register for events or you sign up to receive newsletters, you use the Site as a contributor, and/or when you register in our Affiliate program or content creator, or similar program, we ask that you provide or we collect otherwise, personal information that you provided us, including a valid e-mail address, login data, name, and user name, data profile (including a picture, education, profession and experience), physical address, or billing information, phone number or other contact details, date of birth, transactional information, payment information (for example, your payment method and credit card number), information and forms of contributors (including Forms W-9 and the Forms DAC-7), information on other accounts linked to social networks, information on the ratings and comments on your published services, orders, purchases and transactions, information included in the user generated content and files that you upload to the Site. We may also collect identification information (such as copies of your identity document, passport or driver's license issued by the government) and biometric information derived from photos and documents of identification that you submit for verification .The commercial vendors in Filmer also be asked to provide additional information to verify your business .We also collect and process information about the user's communications with Filmer or contained in them, as well as any posts in our blogs or forums and communication with other users of Filmer.

Information we collect automatically
. We collect information when you access, browsing, visiting or using the Site, including information relating to transactions and communications with other users, your searches, the pages you visited, navegaste and that you desplazaste, as well as your clicks and other movements on the Site. We also collect, use, and process the information in connection with such use, including the location information, IP address, device information, and of the connection, the operating system, the duration of the session, the language, currency and keyboard settings, browser information and web log information and the URL of the websites that you have visited or which you have interacted with before or after using the Site. We also collect and process information related to the use of cookies and similar technologies, as further detailed below.


Also, to improve your on-line experience in Filmer, we have implemented the report prints. While you view our ads, we collect the Universally Unique Identifier, the HTTP request data, such as user-agent, IP, host, URL, country/continent from which the request was made, browser information, device/operating system/operating system version.


Information we receive from third parties. We receive information from third party providers, and/or other sources available to commercial level and/or the general public, such as:


  • External suppliers that provide us with data to supplement the information we collect about the user, in accordance with applicable laws. For example, we receive fraud alerts and security on the part of service providers in connection with our efforts to prevent fraud and assess risk. We may also receive information about you, such as information about your organization and workplace, providers of enrichment services to improve and personalize your experience and to offer you services that may be of your interest, as well as partner advertising and marketing to manage and measure our campaigns.


  • If the user is linked, connected, or log in to your account Filmer with a third-party service (e.g., Google, Facebook, LinkedIn), we receive certain information such as your registration and profile from that service. This information includes, for example, the e-mail address, name and profile photo, but may vary and is controlled by that service or as authorized by the user through your privacy settings on that service.


  • If a third party files a report and/or complaint about you or your activity in Filmer, we may receive information related to the complaint, comment or specific report, and deal with it.


  • If you choose to invite contacts from your Google maps directory Workspace, we can see the data of the contacts, according to your authorization of Google Workspace. We will use these data to enable you to invite your contacts to your account Filmer. Also, we will use collected information and anonymous for our internal purposes.


  • If you integrate in your account information from a third party, or in any other way you integrate your account with systems, tools, or third-party products, we will receive certain information about you in accordance with the permissions you've granted to such third party.


  • We also received some information about the user, if another user invites you to Filmer (e.g., as part of our collaboration tools and referral program). In such case, we receive limited information, such as the e-mail address, or other contact information, and we will use it for the same purpose for which it was provided and in accordance with this Policy.


We combine your personal information with information we collect automatically or obtain from other companies and use it for the purposes detailed in this Policy.


Account verification 

Verification process

  • To determine its status of autonomous corporate or private

As you go through the process of creating your account, you will find a main question on the intended use of Filmer and it is essential to complete it:

  • If you plan to sell in Filmer outside of your work or main profession, you are considered an independent private (non-trader) for the purposes of the rules of the EU.
  • If you plan to use Filmer as part of your job or main profession, you are considered an independent professional (merchant), which means that you will be asked to complete other personal or business data, so that we can verify your identity as required by law. .

Note : According to the EU legislation, the status autodeclararán the own self-contained. If you're not sure what your condition is self-contained, we recommend that you consult with a legal professional.

  • Provide personal and business information

The verification process involves providing basic details for the self-employed business, whether that is a self-contained staff or have a company registered. This may include your name, email, address (including country), their registration number and the commercial trade register in which it is registered your company (if applicable). In addition, you must confirm your phone number and submit to a verification of identity further. In addition, you will be asked to confirm, and agree to comply with all applicable laws, including the supply-only products and services that comply with the policies of Filmer and regulations of the EU.

Note: After you have verified your information, certain EU customers can see part of the information as required by the applicable laws. This includes name, address, email address, and phone number of the commercial register (where applicable), as well as your self-certified to comply with the policies of Filmer and the applicable rules of the EU.

Make sure you complete all the required questions. The mandatory questions incomplete, will not allow you to create a Service.


Complete your personal profile if your business is not registered

  1. Confirm your personal and business information:
    • Como parte del proceso de creación del Servicio, se te pedirá que completes «Información personal y comercial» y hagas clic en «Verificar».
    • Una ventana emergente le preguntará si su empresa está registrada. Haga clic en «No, soy un individuo».
    • Complete su formulario de «Información personal y comercial» y haga clic en «Siguiente».
      Note: be sure to complete all the details with precision. Use the legal name exactly as it appears on your id card. (including middle name)
  1. Check your phone number :
    • The system will autocomplete the phone number is already linked to the account. You can change it if necessary.
    • Choose your verification method preferred: verify by call or verify by SMS.
  1. Verify your id:
      • A pop-up window will ask that you verify your identity using your phone using a QR code or a link in a text message.
      • Complete el paso de identidad «Describe tu ID» ingresando tu país y el tipo de ID. Su DNI debe estar actualizado. Una identificación válida puede ser una licencia de conducir, una identificación con fotografía emitida por el gobierno o un pasaporte.
      • Deberá enviar una fotografía clara y de alta calidad de su identificación con fotografía que no haya sido alterada de ninguna manera. Toda la información relevante debe ser visible. La fotografía debe tomarse con la identificación real, no una copia o captura de pantalla de su computadora. Haga clic en «Enviar foto» cuando haya terminado.

Complete your profile individual trader if your company is registered

  1. Confirm your personal and business information :
    • Complete su formulario de «Información personal y comercial» y haga clic en «Siguiente».

Note: you will Be asked to enter your trade register number , as well as:

Commercial e-mail
Business phone number
Trading country
House number
Zip code

Make sure to complete all the details with precision. Use the legal name exactly as it appears on your id card. (including their middle name). Your ID must be updated. A valid identification can be a driving license, a photo id issued by the government or a passport.

  • Una ventana emergente le preguntará si su empresa está registrada. Haga clic en «Sí, está registrado y soy el único empleado».
  • Complete su formulario de «Información personal y comercial» y haga clic en «Siguiente».
    Note: you will Be asked to enter your trade register number. Make sure to complete all the details with precision.
  1. Check your phone number :
    • The system will autocomplete the phone number is already linked to the account. You can change it if necessary.
    • Choose your verification method preferred: verify by call or verify by SMS.
  1. Verify your id:
    Note: You will be asked to enter the e-mail address that is registered or a different one. If you choose a different email address, you must check it out.
    • A pop-up window will ask that you verify your identity using your phone using a QR code or via a link in a text message.
    • Complete the step of identity describing their identification and type of identification.
    • Deberá enviar una fotografía clara y de alta calidad de su identificación con fotografía. Haga clic en «Enviar foto» cuando haya terminado.

Complete your business profile posted if there are several employees in your company

  1. Confirm your personal and business information:
    • Como parte del proceso de creación del Servicio, se te pedirá que completes «Información personal y comercial» y hagas clic en «Verificar».
    • Una ventana emergente le preguntará si su empresa está registrada. Haga clic en «Sí, está registrado y tiene más de 1 empleado».
    • Complete su formulario de «Información personal y comercial» y haga clic en «Siguiente».
      Note: you will Be asked to enter your trade register number.Commercial e-mail
      Business phone number
      Trading country
      House number
      Zip code


If you need help to locate the identification number of your business, you can try to search the log information of your company on the website of the local government where it is registered, or communicate directly with the office of local government for more help.

Note: please refer to our article Registration information, commercial account verification by country for a list of identification numbers trade by country.

  1. Check your phone number:
    Note: You will be asked to enter the e-mail address that is registered or a different one. If you choose a different email address, you must check it out.
    • The system will autocomplete the phone number is already linked to the account. You can change it if necessary.
    • Choose your verification method preferred: verify by call or verify by SMS.
  1. Upload proof of address:
    • It can be any document that give details of the name and address of the company (for example: utility bill, bank statement, phone bill, etc). To ensure the verification, please include the name and address. You must be a page and not be cropped.


  • Follow the instructions: the verification process is simple and guided with clear instructions.
  • Re-check: make sure that your profile details, including the name of your company (if applicable), to coincide with their registration documents official.
  • Remember,if the verification process is successful, you will be notified and you can start to sell. If your information cannot be validated, you will be notified and you will not be able to publish.


Our legal basis for using your personal information

Cuando sea relevante de conformidad con las leyes aplicables, todo el procesamiento de la información personal del usuario estará justificado por «bases legales» para su procesamiento. En la mayoría de los casos, el procesamiento estará justificado sobre la base legal de lo siguiente:

  • You have given us your consent to use your personal information for a specific purpose.


  • The use we may make of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or take steps to enter into a contract with you (e.g., to provide the services you have acquired).


  • The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or regulatory relevant that we have (e.g., fraud prevention).


  • The processing is necessary to support our legitimate interests as a business (e.g., to improve our services provided to the user"), subject to your interests prevalent and fundamental rights and provided that it is done in a proportionate manner.



How do we use the information collected?

We will use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide the user with a quality service and security, to operate the Site, to fulfill our obligations to the user, as well as to develop, improve and customize our services. For example, we use personal information to verify the identity of the user. We also use this information to establish and set up your account, verify or re-generate a password, record your activity, allow the user to communicate with other members, provide customer support and communicate with the user from time to time. The information helps us to develop and improve our services, to understand and analyse our performance, as well as the preferences and user performance, and to customize and adapt our services and improve the user experience (even to suggest a Service, to sort the search results, and others).


  • to ensure the integrity of the platform, prevent fraud and maintain the platform and services safe. For example, we use personal information to monitor, track, and prevent illegal activity, fraudulent and inappropriate, to monitor the integrity of the content, conduct security investigations and risk assessments, to verify or authenticate the information provided by the user, to investigate reports and complaints on users, enforce our Terms of service and to comply with the relevant laws. We make certain behavior analysis to achieve the objectives referred to above and, in limited cases, if we detect any activity that we think poses a risk to the platform Filmer, other users, our community or a third-party, automated processes may restrict or limit the user's ability to use Filmer. If the user wishes to object to such a decision, you must contact us


  • To communicate with you, in virtue of what we have requested, or in virtue of what otherwise approved or permitted in accordance with this Policy.


  • To promote and advertise the Site, our services and the platform Filmer. For example, we use information that we collect about you in order to send messages to direct marketing (as detailed below), show information that may be of interest, organize and facilitate programs of recommendation, contests, or other activities, or promotional events.


  • To maintain business records appropriate to comply with legal requests from the authorities and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.


We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those set out in this Policy.


Direct Marketing:


  • We use your personal information to send you direct marketing communications about our products, services or promotions Filmer that may be of interest to you or our related services. This can be by e-mail, postal mail, SMS, telephone or targeted advertising online.


  • We process your personal information for marketing purposes on the basis of our legitimate interest, to your consent or another legal basis, which contemplates the applicable law. You have the right to object at any time to receive direct advertising of any kind; this right can be exercised by following the opt-out link attached to each communication or by sending an e-mail to


  • We take steps to limit direct marketing to a reasonable and proportionate, and to send you communications that we believe may be of interest or relevance, in terms of the information that we hold about you.


This Site is also protected by reCAPTCHA. Privacy policy and Terms of Service Google should be applied to the data collected by reCAPTCHA. It requires the use of Google reCAPTCHA to prevent fraud and abuse of the Site through the use of automated machines. For more information, see the Google privacy policy.



This Site is offered and available to users who are 18 years of age or older and be of legal age to form a binding contract. Minors under the age of 18 years, who are at least 13 years of age may only use the Site through an account owned by a parent or legal guardian with the consent of the same. Minors under the age of 13 may not use the Site or the Services Filmer. We do not collect knowingly solicit personal information from children under 13 years of age. Parents and guardians should supervise their children's activities at all times. If we learn that we have collected or received personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that personal information. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under the age of 13 years or over the child, contact us at


How long do we keep personal information?

We apply a general rule of keeping personal information only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected this information. However, in some circumstances, we will retain your personal information for longer periods of time. We will retain personal information for the following purposes:

  • Whenever it is necessary and relevant for our operations, for example, to have an accurate record of the transactions that the user made to us in the case of complaints or objections.


  • in relation to the personal information from closed accounts to comply with applicable laws, prevent fraud, collect fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce the terms of our Site, and perform other acts according to the law,


  • In order to comply with legal obligations or other obligation to which Filmer subject.


  • If it is necessary, and to the extent that is necessary, we need it to preserve evidence within the statutes of limitations.


Personal information we share with third parties

We share your personal information with third parties as follows:

  • With other users and visitors to the Site. Once a user is registered, your user name, the country and the additional information regarding your activity is made public knowledge, and will be visible to all users of the Site. This information includes photos you upload, the portfolio that you post, service information, ratings, and additional information that you choose to add to your profile. In addition, we offer the opportunity to participate and post content publicly in forums, blogs and other similar functions. The user must be aware that certain information, such as your user name and profile, together with the content that you upload, will be displayed publicly when you use the above functions. The user information will also be shared with other users when you send a message or communicate in any way with those users. When the user publishes your information or share your data with other users of Filmer, you do so under your sole responsibility. If you choose to share personal information with other users, including Sellers who will provide a service through Filmerr, this personal information is shared with other users as independent drivers. Although the Terms of Service Filmer require Sellers to keep confidential the information that is shared with them, Filmer can not ensure that all users do so, and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that other users will comply with its requirements;


  • The users with whom you interact. We share personal information to help facilitate interactions between users. For example, if you are a Buyer, we may share certain information about you (such as the fact that this is your first purchase in Filmer) with the Seller to ensure that the Services that you receive from the Seller suit your needs; such exchange of information is limited in scope and aims to improve the Services provided by the Seller and your user experience;


  • With Service Providers. We share personal information with service providers that provide services to us for the purpose of operating the Site, to open and operate your account, as well as providing services and solutions auxiliary. These include, but are not limited to, hosting services, processors and suppliers of billing and payments, service detection and prevention of fraud, CRM systems, hosting forums, management services, community services, data and cyber security, Web Analytics and performance tools, translation tools, IT services SaaS, recording sessions, communication systems, mail systems, data optimization and marketing services, services of data enrichment, legal advisors and financial and technical consultants. In accordance with the applicable legal requirements, we take the appropriate technical and organisational steps to require third parties to protect properly the personal information and only process it in accordance with our instructions;


  • When the user of a report or a complaint about another user. We may share personal information about you when you present reports or complaints about other users for allowing them to protect their rights or as required by relevant legislation.


  • For legal issues. We share personal information with law enforcement agencies to enforce the law, public authorities and with other parties in order to respond to a subpoena or court order, judicial process or regulatory authorities, if we believe that the law requires it, or that doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process; when we believe that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to disclose personal information to the authorities in charge of enforcing the law, to investigate fraud or violations of law, actual or suspected security violations or failure to comply with this Policy; to respond to claims against us; and to protect the rights, property or personal safety of Filmer, our customers or the public;


  • To make payments and detect fraud. We share personal information with payment processors, agencies, fraud detection, and a third similar in order to facilitate the payments made through the Site and to keep the Site safe and to protect against fraud, unauthorized transactions (such as money laundering), claims or other types of responsibilities;


  • With partners social networking. Our Site includes certain features on social networks, including the functions of single sign-on. We also share limited personal information with these social networking platforms and marketing partners, such as Facebook and Google, to promote our services or platform Filmer. The functions and services of third party service providers mentioned collect certain information about you and may set cookies to enable its functionality. These functions of third parties is subject to their own policies;


  • Inthe context of a corporate transaction. In addition, we will disclose personal information in case of carrying out a business transition, for example, merger, sale, transfer of some or all of the assets of Filmer, acquisition, bankruptcy or similar event. In the event that we sell any business or assets, we may disclose your data to the prospective buyer. If a third party acquires our company or substantially all of our assets, the information we have about our users will be one of the transferred assets.


Where we process your personal information

Part of the personal information for us to provide the stored or processed on our behalf suppliers and processors of external data and may be located in other jurisdictions, such as the united States and Israel, whose laws may be different from those in force in the jurisdiction in which you live. Either third-party or in-house, we also produce transfers of personal information from the European Economic area (“EEA”) to countries outside the EEA that is not considered to offer an adequate level of data protection according to the european perspective of data protection, such as the united States. With regard to transfers of data to such recipients outside the EEA, we provide adequate safeguards, in particular, by concluding standard contractual clauses of the European Union (EU), with the modifications that are made periodically, and/or guarantees of data transfer equivalent. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal information is processed securely and in accordance with this Policy.



Utilizamos cookies y tecnologías similares (como balizas web, píxeles, etiquetas y scripts) para mejorar y personalizar la experiencia del usuario, prestar nuestros servicios, analizar el rendimiento del Sitio web y con fines de marketing. Cuando el uso de cookies en nuestro Sitio implique el procesamiento de la información personal del usuario, aplica esta Política. Los tipos de cookies que utilizamos, así como nuestros socios, en conexión con el Sitio y nuestro servicio se pueden clasificar en las categorías de «cookies esenciales», «cookies analíticas» y cookies de marketing».

To know more about how we use cookies by us and our third-party Service providers, as well as the control that you can perform on these cookies, see our Cookie policy.


Do not track

No realizar seguimiento (DNT) es una preferencia de privacidad que los usuarios pueden configurar en algunos navegadores web, lo que les permite optar por no ser rastreados por sitios web y servicios online. No aceptamos las solicitudes del navegador para no realizar un seguimiento online (conocido como «No realizar seguimiento»), pero nuestra Cookie policy describes how you can opt not to receive cookies.


External links

Please note that this Site contains links to third-party sites and, if you access a third party site from the Site, via a link, any data that you provide to that site and any use of such data by third parties will not be subject to the control of Filmer nor to this Policy. You should consult the privacy policy of every site you visit. This Policy applies only to the personal information we collect our Site. If you load content, such as personal information, in a social network and then tag the Site, your publication will be subject to the terms of use and the privacy policy of that social network, even when published in a official page of Filmer in social networks. We have No control over these terms of use and privacy policy or established their suitability. Therefore, you should review them before you submit any personal information.



We implement technical and organizational measures to maintain the safety of the Site, of our services and of the personal information and to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, misuse, alteration, destruction or damage by using standard technologies in the sector and internal procedures. Among other things, we regularly certification PCI DSS (data security Standards of the payment card industry) (with respect to payments with credit cards). In addition, we ensure contractually that any third party that processes personal information of the user to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data in a secure manner. However, the transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure and, although we will make every effort to protect personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to the Site. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.

Users who have registered on the Site agree to keep their password in strict confidence and not disclose such password to any third party.

If we request, we may provide more information about our security practices.


Provisions specific to users in the European Union, the European Economic area and the United Kingdom

This section of the Policy applies to you if you are in the EU, in the European Economic area (EEA) or the United Kingdom.

The controller (in the sense of the General Regulation of Data Protection of the EU and the United Kingdom (“RGPD”) for the processing of personal data, as set out in this privacy Policy is: Filmer Company SL, Carretera de Carmona 51, Seville, Spain.

Under the relevant regulations of the EU, you have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

  • Information on how and with what rationale is processed your personal information and obtain a copy.
  • Rectify personal information inaccurate.
  • To remove your personal information in limited circumstances where: (a) you believe that it is not necessary that we may retain your personal information; (b) to process your personal information based on legitimate interests and you object to such processing, and there we can demonstrate a legitimate ground which is essential for the processing; (c) when you have provided your personal information with your consent and you wish to withdraw your consent, and there is no other reason for which we may process your personal information; and (d) when you believe that your personal information is processed in an unlawful manner.
  • restrict the processing of your personal information when you: (a) you dispute the accuracy of personal information; (b) the processing is unlawful but you object to the deletion of personal information; (c) no longer require the personal information for the purposes for which it is collected, but it is necessary to substantiate, exercise or defend a legal claim; or (d) you have objected to our processing of your personal information in accordance with our legitimate interests and we are considering your objection;
  • Object to decisions which are based solely on profiling or automated processing.
  • When you have provided us your personal information with your consent, you can ask us for a copy of these data in a format that is structured, machine-readable and also share (transfer) such data to another data controller.
  • To obtain a copy of warranties or access to these, in virtue of which your personal information is transferred outside of the EEA.


In certain circumstances, you may have the right to refuse, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data by us and we may be forced to stop processing your personal data. In addition, if your personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for this purpose, including the development of a profile to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. In this case, we will no longer process your personal data for such purposes.

Para ejercer sus derechos, el usuario debe comunicarse con nosotros según se indica en la sección «Contáctenos».

In addition, as previously mentioned, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority for data protection. Keep in mind that the right of access and right to erasure are not absolute rights and interests of other individuals may restrict your right of access or deletion in accordance with local laws.

We will ask for additional information to confirm your identity and for security purposes, before disclosing the data that you request from us. We reserve the right to charge a fee where permitted by law. We will refuse to process requests that jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or that force us to take any action that is not permissible under applicable laws. In addition, in virtue of that permitted by applicable law, we will retain, when necessary, certain personal information for a limited period of time for the purposes of recordkeeping, accounting, and fraud prevention.


Specific provisions for the residents of united States

This section of the Policy is applicable to you, if you are a resident of the united States, according to the place where you live and subject to certain exceptions.

During the last twelve (12) months, we have collected the following categories of personal information from Users:

  • Information that you choose to upload to or otherwise provided to the Filmer, which may include: (i) identifiers and personal information, like names, postal addresses, identifiers, online, email addresses, passport numbers or driver's license, social security numbers; (ii) characteristics of protected classes, such as gender, facial image, audio, electronic information, or similar; (iii) information, professional or employment-related; (iv) educational information; (v) commercial information; (vi) audio or other sensory information, for example, if you provide services related to the audio Filmer.


  • Information we collect when you use Filmer, including (i) identifiers and personal information, such as identifiers in line, internet protocol addresses (IP), information access device and connection as browser type, version and time zone setting, and the types and versions of browser add-ons; (ii) commercial information, including products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other histories or tendencies of purchase or consumption; (iii) information of activity of the internet or other electronic network, including, among others, the time of login and logout, the session duration, the content uploaded and downloaded, the web pages viewed or the specific content of the web pages, measurements of activity; (iv) location information.


  • Information that we collect or receive from third parties, such as service providers, advertisers and third-party accounts that you link to Filmer, including: (i) identifiers and personal information, such as name, identifiers, online, e-mail address, IP address, internet protocol, access devices and connection information, such as browser type, version and settings of the time zone, and the types and versions of browser add-ons; (ii) information, professional or employment-related; (iii) information about the activity on the internet or other electronic networks, including, but not limited to, the time of logon and logoff, the duration of the session, the content is uploaded and downloaded, the web pages visited or the specific content on web pages, activity measures; and (iv) commercial information; and (v) location information.


  • Inferences drawn from any information before identified to create a profile about you.


Utilizamos la información personal que recopilamos o recibimos para los fines comerciales, tal como se describe en la sección anterior titulada «¿Cómo usamos la información recopilada?».

We may disclose the categories of personal information listed above to third parties for commercial purposes, as set out in the section entitled “personal Information we share with third parties” of the Privacy Policy. In the twelve (12) months, we have disclosed all of the categories of personal information listed above for commercial purposes.

Although we do not sell or share your personal information for monetary compensation, we may share your personal information with our marketing partners, to adapt and personalize offers, advertisements and the content of Filmer your preferences while you browse other sites. This process may involve the sale or exchange of personal information under certain privacy laws of the united States. You can ask us not to use or disclose your personal information for this type of targeted advertising. Keep in mind that it is possible to still see ads widespread Filmer after choose not to receive targeted advertising.

The user has the right to exercise the following rights, subject to certain exceptions, in relation to your personal information:


  • You have the right to request access to the personal information we have collected about you during the past 12 months, including: (i) the categories of personal information that we collect about you; (ii) the categories of sources from which personal information is collected; (iii) the business purpose or commercial purposes for collecting your personal information; (iv) the categories of third parties with whom we have shared your personal information; (v) the specific personal data that we have collected about you.


  • You have the right to request that we delete the personal information relating to you that we have collected in certain circumstances and exceptions.


  • You have the right to correct the personal information you have provided.


  • You have the right to oppose the sale of your personal data.


  • You have the right to choose not to receive targeted advertising.


  • You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising their rights.


  • You have the right to submit your request through an authorized agent. If you use an authorized agent to submit a request to access or delete your personal information on your behalf, the authorized agent must: (1) be an individual or business entity registered in the Secretariat of State relevant to operate in the state; (2) provide proof of such registration; and (3) provide documentation or other evidence that indicate that you are authorized to act on your behalf. We may also ask you to verify your identity and confirm directly with us that they have given permission to the authorized agent to submit the request.


To make such requests, we ask that you contact us in

We will verify your request using the information associated with your account, including the email address. In addition, we may ask for a government issued id.



Updating personal information

We take steps to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up-to-date, and we provide you the opportunity to update your information through the profile settings of your account. In the event that you think your information is incorrect or inaccurate, please let us know immediately. We will investigate the matter and correct any inaccuracies as quickly as possible where necessary or give you the tools to update or remove it quickly, unless we need to keep such information for commercial purposes, or legal legitimate. When updating your personal information, we will ask that you verify your identity before we can proceed with your application. If for any reason you have a problem with the deletion of your personal information, please contact the customer support team of Filmer and we will make all efforts to delete such information in accordance with relevant privacy laws.

You can review and change your personal information by logging into the Website and visiting the profile page of your account.

If you delete your user-generated Content (“UGC”), as defined in the Terms of service Filmerrfrom the Site, copies of your UGC may remain viewable in cached pages, and archived, or it is possible that they have been copied or stored by other users of the Site. Access to and use appropriate information provided on the Site, including UGC, is governed by our Terms of service.


Contact us

To exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information, we ask that you contact us in Includes all relevant details so that we can manage your ticket properly. We will process any request in accordance with local laws and our policies and procedures.

If you have any questions (or comments) concerning this Policy, please send an e-mail to our team and we will do our best to respond within a reasonable period of time.